Chunking down step 1

Problem: If I use the initial Y-axis value 1 of the gragh mapper to generate the Z-coordinate data of the points, the undulation will become insignificant, so I changed the Y-axis value to 10, and I’m not sure if this is correct. To make sure the number of range values and points are the same,Continue reading “Chunking down step 1”

Absolute Towers

This office building was designed and built by MAD in 2012 in MISSISSAUGA, CANADA. The floor plan shows that the building is made up of an elliptical plane that rotates and rises.The twisted form of the tower is supported by a surprisingly simple and inexpensive structural solution. The two residential towers are supported by aContinue reading “Absolute Towers”

The Church of St. Aloysius

The church was designed by Erdy McHenry Architecture. Two significant conceptual explorations gave form to the design for this church: “re-pitching the tent”, expressed in the delicate soaring roof lines evoking the concept of simple worship and the Four Devotions of Saint Aloysius: Blessed Sacrament, Passion of Our Lord, Love of Our Lady, and ChoirContinue reading “The Church of St. Aloysius”

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